Sleep Apnea

Understanding Sleep Apnea

Envision your sleep as a serene journey through the night, a time for your body and mind to rest and recharge. However, for some individuals with sleep apnea, this peaceful journey can transform into a turbulent ride.

Sweet Dreams Connecticut explains that sleep apnea occurs when there are interruptions or pauses in breathing during sleep. These pauses can last from a few seconds to minutes and recurring multiple times throughout the night. So, why does this happen?

During sleep, muscles, including those in the throat and airway, naturally relax. Yet, for some people, these muscles relax excessively, leading to partial or complete blockage of the airway. Consequently, oxygen levels in the body drop, causing brief awakenings or micro-awakenings that disrupt the sleep cycle.

Interestingly, these awakenings are often too brief for individuals to remember, but they prevent the attainment of deeper, more restorative sleep stages. Consequently, despite a full night’s rest, individuals wake up feeling tired. If you suspect sleep apnea, what should you do?

No need to worry; effective treatments are available! Start by discussing your symptoms and concerns with your doctor. They may recommend a sleep study, either at a sleep center or through a home sleep test, to diagnose sleep apnea. Once diagnosed, there are various management and treatment options.

These may involve lifestyle changes like weight loss or adjusting sleep positions, using a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine to keep the airway open, or opting for custom-fitted oral appliance therapy. Quality sleep is crucial for overall health, and the good news is that sleep apnea can often be successfully managed and treated.

If you suspect sleep apnea is affecting your sleep, take the important step of discussing it with your healthcare provider. Together, you can work towards a better night’s rest and a happier, healthier you!

What Occurs During Sleep Apnea?

Lack of Airflow

Repetitive collapse of the pharyngeal airway during sleep leads to reduction or complete cessation (apnea) of airflow, despite continuous breathing efforts.

Neural Signals from the Brain

The brain tells your body to catch a breath. Cessations in breath can prevent oxygen supply to your brain. Your brain is literally waking you up to tell you to breathe.

Repetition of the Cycle

Individuals experiencing obstructive sleep apnea frequently encounter a pattern of repeatedly ceasing and resuming their breathing during sleep.

Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

How to Address Sleep Apnea

Have a Chat with Dr. Laura Miller

Talk to Dr. Miller if you have signs or symptoms as sleep apnea is serious.

Undergo a Sleep Test at Home or a Sleep Clinic

You can choose to have an in home sleep test or opt for a sleep clinic.

Research Treatment Options

Reserach possible sleep apnea treatment options withSweet Dreams Connecticut.

Your Treatment for Sleep Apnea

Once diagnosed talk to Sweet Dreams about sleep apnea solutions such as oral appliance therapy.